
Chocolate and Peanut Butter Birthday Cake


This cake is the one.

3 layers of chocolate cake, sandwiched together with creamy and light peanut butter frosting, all topped with a rich dark chocolate ganache. Peanut butter is one of the few things I can resist, but when whipped with cream, butter and icing sugar, I could eat it by the bucket load.

I found this recipe online at http://www.browneyedbaker.com – this site always has the best ideas! The presentation looked so simple but very effective, and even I managed to copy it problem-free!

I did, however, change the sponge recipe. I find cakes made with buttermilk or oil too heavy, and this recipe had both. Instead, I went for my family’s tried and tested, highly adaptable sponge recipe. The rule is simple – 2oz of caster sugar, flour and butter for every 1 egg used – impossible to forget. For a birthday cake, I usually make a 4 egg cake. But, since this was 3 layers, I added an extra egg (so that’s 5 eggs and 10oz caster sugar, flour and butter), and it was whopper.

If you have a hand mixer (I picked mine up for £5 from Wilkinson’s – http://www.wilko.com/blenders-mixers+food-processors/wilko-everyday-value-hand-mixer/invt/0228910?VBMST=hand%20mixer), simply place all the ingredients into a large bowl and whisk on a high speed for around a minute. Add 1 – 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and an equal quantity of whole milk, and mix again on a slow speed.

Divide the mixture into 3 tins, and cook for 20-30 minutes. Once fully cooled, I returned to following The Brown Eyed Baker’s instructions for the frosting and ganache.

This really is a celebration cake worth trying for any chocolate lover!

Happy baking xo


The healthiest smoothies around….

So, a couple of weeks ago I was foolish enough to try the 7 day juice diet.
It was a tough week and, although I lost 10lb, I’m really not sure I would recommend it: I was tired, I was grumpy and I was hungry!

Although most of the juices truly repulsed me (carrot, parsnip, beetroot and apple, for example), there were 2 which I will be drinking again and again all summer long.

As the name suggests, this is powerful! So zesty, tangy and fresh! perfect for a hot hot day or a post gym cool-down snack.

– 1/4 pineapple
– 1 lime
– 2 apples
– 1/4 avocado (trust me)
– a tiny piece of fresh ginger
– 1 handful of spinach (doesn’t add or detract from the favour, but is a great source of iron!)

Put all the ingredients in a juicer if you have one, but if you don’t (like me) blend them up and run it through a sieve to get rid of any pulp.
Serve over lots and lots of ice.


This was delicious, cheap and filling. The perfect start to any day.

– 2 apples
– 2 tablespoons of berries (I used frozen berries – they’re much cheaper and it removes the need for ice)
– 2 tablespoons of fat free yogurt

Blend and enjoy!



“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”

Well, that’s what Kate Moss thinks.

I’m Emily, a 20 year old medical student from London.

I love to cook, and I really love to eat.

However, at 16 stone aged 17, I realised Kate might have a point. If you love food as much as I do, you need to find the balance – that means small portions and exercise.

It has taken me 3 years, but I’ve finally worked out that I don’t have to deny myself. Having a little bit of what you fancy is okay!

In this blog, I hope to share great recipes, yummy food that I’ve been eating, and exercise and diet tips.

The combination of chocolate and gym might seem paradoxical, but surely that’s the essence of a balanced life style!!!
